Enhance Your Cash Flow with the R&D Tax Credit

enhance your cash flow with the rd tax credit 810x650
August 3, 2017

If you could put cash back in your pocket, would you?  For many firms, the Federal Research & Development (R&D) credit is the perfect way to enhance cash flow. This powerful tax savings tool is designed to encourage businesses to invest in innovation. Contrary to popular belief, the R&D credit is not industry-exclusive, and any company that develops, designs, or improves products, processes, formulas, techniques, inventions, or software may be eligible.

Maybe you never thought the credit would apply to you, but many architecture and engineering firms are finding out just how worthwhile this credit can be. How much could it be worth to your firm?

Tom Moul shows you in this brief video:

Start putting more money in your pockets today! Listen in as Tom details how your AE firm can take advantage of the R&D Credit to increase your bottom line.

Tom Moul, CPA - Stambaugh Ness

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