Job Architecture & Career Paths

People and the positions they hold are the foundation of your organization.
Having the right infrastructure to support those people helps ensure the right skills and roles for the future, motivates desired behaviors, attracts and retains talent, and combats the challenges of pay equity, skill gaps, and employee satisfaction.

A well-organized AEC firm is a more successful firm. Together, let’s build a strong yet flexible job architecture on which you can build your future. Below, explore the details of how we can achieve the best job architecture for your organization.

Job Hierarchy

Charting Your Course

An important layer of your job architecture is the Job Hierarchy, which outlines levels of authority and responsibility within the company. Using what we’ve learned through the Job Classification process, we help you group roles into job families, determine hierarchy levels, and define reporting relationships.

With Job Hierarchy, we go beyond the surface-level reporting represented in an organizational chart to meet your big-picture needs and goals. Creating a Job Hierarchy is critical for maintaining clarity of roles, responsibilities, and career progression pathways for your firm’s future.

Job Classification

Start from the Ground Up

First things first; we work closely with your team to understand your existing job roles and hierarchies, as well as your long-term goals and growth plans.

From there, we thoroughly analyze each role to develop a Job classification system based on tasks, responsibilities, skills, qualifications, and reporting structure. Job Classification provides a standardized structure for performance reviews, pay equity, recruiting, determining whether positions overlap in a company and career pathing.


Job Architecture Benefits

Cultivate Your Potential

Companies that embrace the structure and transparency of Job Architecture can experience significant benefits including:

  • Role and responsibility clarity
  • More efficient communication and decision-making
  • Maintain fair compensation and pay equity
  • Identify talent gaps
  • Improve expectations and performance
  • Higher engagement and satisfaction
  • Shape training and development needs
Career Pathing

Guiding the Growth Journey

To win the battle for talent, keeping your top employees engaged and motivated is crucial. SN’s career pathing services check both boxes by aligning an employee’s skills, interests, and goals with your organization’s growth opportunities. This defined pathway for career progression contributes to higher overall employee satisfaction while meeting your needs today and in the future.

Leveraging SN’s career expertise, architecture, engineering, and construction firms can establish a robust framework for nurturing careers and facilitating organizational growth.

Charting Your Course

An important layer of your job architecture is the Job Hierarchy, which outlines levels of authority and responsibility within the company. Using what we’ve learned through the Job Classification process, we help you group roles into job families, determine hierarchy levels, and define reporting relationships.

With Job Hierarchy, we go beyond the surface-level reporting represented in an organizational chart to meet your big-picture needs and goals. Creating a Job Hierarchy is critical for maintaining clarity of roles, responsibilities, and career progression pathways for your firm’s future.

Start from the Ground Up

First things first; we work closely with your team to understand your existing job roles and hierarchies, as well as your long-term goals and growth plans.

From there, we thoroughly analyze each role to develop a Job classification system based on tasks, responsibilities, skills, qualifications, and reporting structure. Job Classification provides a standardized structure for performance reviews, pay equity, recruiting, determining whether positions overlap in a company and career pathing.


Cultivate Your Potential

Companies that embrace the structure and transparency of Job Architecture can experience significant benefits including:

  • Role and responsibility clarity
  • More efficient communication and decision-making
  • Maintain fair compensation and pay equity
  • Identify talent gaps
  • Improve expectations and performance
  • Higher engagement and satisfaction
  • Shape training and development needs

Guiding the Growth Journey

To win the battle for talent, keeping your top employees engaged and motivated is crucial. SN’s career pathing services check both boxes by aligning an employee’s skills, interests, and goals with your organization’s growth opportunities. This defined pathway for career progression contributes to higher overall employee satisfaction while meeting your needs today and in the future.

Leveraging SN’s career expertise, architecture, engineering, and construction firms can establish a robust framework for nurturing careers and facilitating organizational growth.

Get to Know SN’s
Managing Director of Workforce Advisory

Kristi Weierbach